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Bent u vergeten uw oorbellen in te doen?

|24/04, 2024

The stick posts that stick out behind the ear on a pair of earrings can be very uncomfortable to sleep with, and it often gets difficult wearing headphones and helmets.

  • That's why you take them off in the evening
  • Then sleep good at night,
  • and then forget to put them on again in the morning...

Get comfortable with Sleep-in earrings

Instead of forgetting to put on the earrings you took off the night before, surely it's smarter to have comfortable and sleep-friendly earrings in your ears? They can be put on and then sit there for days, weeks, months without getting uncomfortable! Our sleep-in earrings have a flat back and instead of the traditional plug on the stick behind the earlobe, you instead screw in the earrings in place and it sits comfortably and airy until, well whenever you feel like changing them for another style. 

At you will find many different varieties of comfortable earrings such as these:

  1. Jacket cirkel are an all-in-one designed earrings that doesnt need any connecting parts to stay put in your ears. Just screw then in place and leave them to shine! They are super lightewight and comfortable to wear when you are awake or aslepp!

  2. 18K Lingon, the comfortable and cute earrings with three small lingonberries displayed. Made out of real solid 18K gold to be used 24/7!
  3. If you would like a real classic to always shine in your ears, and never be left forgotten on the nightstand... Then we recommend our 18K Diamond Comfort earrings. They are handmade in Sweden, in recycled gold and are as beautiful as they are comfortable!

If from time to time you feel like replacing your earrings with a pair of others that are just as comfortable and nice, then maybe our bundle of Comfort earrings can be a better fit! That package includes Asfalt Comfort, Lingon Comfort and Cirkel Comfort. Of course they are handmade and from 100% recycled silver.

Head to the next blogpost: Our rose gold is not rose gold!