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Vrijdag gaan de prijzen van onze gouden sieraden omhoog!

|4/09, 2024


On Friday we are raising the price of gold jewellery!

On Friday 6th September, we will increase the prices of all gold jewellery. Twice a year, I do a thorough review of our prices, to make sure they are right in relation to our costs. Unfortunately, when I did this just now, I discovered that the raw material costs for gold have risen sharply.

Why are gold prices rising?
Investing in gold has become increasingly common. I'm not sure why, but when more people invest in gold, prices go up. This also affects the cost of the gold we buy for our jewellery. Consequently, almost all of our gold jewellery will be about 10-15% more expensive.

Tips for those who have spotted a favourite
If you have your eye on a particular piece of gold jewellery, the tip is to buy it before Friday the 6th. That's when all new prices will be implemented in our webshop.

How is silver jewellery affected?
When it comes to silver jewellery, prices have not been affected as much this time. There will only be small, marginal adjustments here and there. All prices for silver jewellery are well within the margins we need.

One possible reason for the rise in the gold price could be the fear of a recession. Historically, the price of gold tends to rise during such periods. In 2008, the price of gold went up a lot, but we hope that it will soon stabilise again.

So, if you are thinking of buying a piece of gold jewellery we recommend you act now before the price adjustments come at the end of the week.



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